MMS and GeoMap version
This release introduce the MMS dissector. With this dissector it is possible to reconstruct the MMS message transported by HTTP protocol and extracts the media contained. With the new release of Web interface it is possible to view photos, texts and videos contained in MMS messages.
In this release of Xplico we have introduced the generations of geographical and temporal map of data rebuilding by Xplico. This feature named GeoMap can be used both with console mode and Web interface. The files generated by GeoMap are kml files an can be used with Google Earth. To allow the visualization of the connections whose source is a private IP address, we have decided that the private IP address are located in Venice (this is a temporary solution).
We have to thank:
- Collin Richard Mulliner for your mms messages
- Kowsik Guruswamy for your Cap’r Makr’ tool, and for your very fast support
- SecViz for inspiration of GeoMap
- MaxMin for your open source GeoIP library
- Wireshark team for… ALL
An example of MMS over HTTP you can find here.This pcap was generated with Cap’r Makr’ and with the mms of Flavio Poletti.
Any bug reports or suggestions are welcome.