Xplico version 0.5.6: VoIP (SIP & RTP)
In this version there are new and important features:
- HTTP reconstruction file. ie: files downloaded with tools like DownThemAll
- undecodec UDP and TCP “stream” with textual content
- RTP dissector
- SIP dissector
- SDP dissector
- Improved XI
- many bugfix
This version of the SIP and RTP dissectors is not optimal. The (media) contents currently decoded have the following characteristics (limitations) :
- only audio
- audio codec: G711ulaw, G711alaw, G722, G729, G723 and G726
- only static RTP payload type
We have to thank:
- Michele Dallachiesa, for his wonderful tool rtpbreak and for his papers on VoIP protocols
- UCSniff Team for their tool VideoSnarf
- Carlos Gacimartín, for his help and for Virtualbox Image
- Massimiliano Dal Cero for his help with flash application
- all forum users for their debug
You can download VirtualBox.org image, source code and Ubuntu 9.10 package here.
Enjoy ;).