Xplico 0.7.0: Gmail and language localization
This version introduces improvement on Webmail sniffing/decoding and the language localization.
- upgraded the XI to Cakephp 1.3
- added the ICMPv6 dissector
- Ethernet dissector improved (for ICMPv6)
- one of two Xplico’s deadlock is solved
- fixed the communication bug between xplico and the manipulators
- SDP dissector bug fixed
- SIP and TCP dissectors improved
- WebMail manipulator and all Python3 scripts improved (ready to new webmail entry… see pol 😉 )
- added pcap file name on CLI report
- capture modules log improved
- new GeoIP version: 1.4.8
- added IPv6 Hop-by-Hop options
- Xplico and all Manipulators with dual stack (IPv4, IPv6)
- XI language localization (each fix is ​​well come): Arabic, Chinese, German, English, French, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish
- DNS bug fixed
- added the MDNS dissector
- added AOL WebMail
- added Yahoo! WebMail
- added Yahoo! Mail for Andorid Mobile
- added Gmail
We thank:
- briaeros007 (member of the forum) for his test about IPv6 functionality on Xplico’s applications
- James Fisher, he has found and fixed a bug in the HTTP dissector
Enjoy Xplico!